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Graduate student Yuying Zeng has successfully passed the qualifying exam and has entered PhD candidacy. Bravo!




Dr. Yue Yuan won the 1st prize in the poster competition at the 2nd Annual Nancy Chang, PhD Research Symposium at BCM.



Dr. Tingting Li received a postdoc fellowship award from the American Heart Association (2024- 2025).



PREP scholar William Whitfield won a poster award at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS) in Phoenix, AZ. Congratulations, Will  🎉 !



Dr. Na Li was invited as a visiting professor to the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. During this visit, Dr. Li gave a lecture to the WIAS graduate program and guided the local PhD students in performing intracardiac electrical stimulation studies. 


Dr. Na Li was inducted into the Fellowship of the American Heart Association (FAHA) during the Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2023 in Boston.


Dr. Na Li gave a featured presentation titled "Molecular Mechanisms of Atrial Fibrillation: New Kid on the Block" at the 5th Asian Cardiovascular Symposium, a pre-meeting symposium of BCVS-2023, in Boston.


Dr. Tingting Li received the Heart Rhtyhm Society Research Fellowship to investigate the molecular mechanisms of CCD.



Dr. Li attended the 19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, held in Glasgow, UK, from July 2 - 7. She organized and chaired a session titled "Emerging role of NLRP3 inflammasome as a therapeutic target in cardiovascular and infectious diseases



Xiaolei, Jia, and Yue's paper titled "Downregulation of FKBP5 Promotes Atrial Arrhythmogenesis" was published in Circulation Research, which was highlighted by an accompanying editorial in the same journal. 


Dr. Na Li received the BCM 2023 Women of Excellence Award 



Postdoc Dr. Jia Song received a poster award at the 2023 Gordon Research Conference - Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms


Postdoc Dr. Yue Yuan received a postdoc fellowship award from American Heart Association (2023 - 2024).


Dr. Li received the American Heart Association Established Investigator Award.  


04/29/2022 - 05/01/2022  

Dr. Song Jia presented two posters at the Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Sessions in San Francisco, CA 🎉👩‍🏫. Congratulations! 


Dr. Li is promoted to the rank of Associate Professor (tenured) in the Department of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. 



Student Larry Scott Jr. successfully defended his thesis virtually. Way to go, Dr. Scott 👨🏾‍🎓🎉!



Li lab received the FY21 Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI) pilot award to study the mechanisms of cardiac conduction disorders.


Dr. Na Li participated in an NHLBI Atrial Fibrillation Working Group on Molecular Pathophysiology and Genetic Mechanisms as a speaker and panel discussant.


Li lab (BCM) and McConnel lab (UH) jointly received the BCM/UH Collaborative Pilot Grant to study cardiac repair with the reprogrammed cardiac conduction cells.


Dr. Na Li received Norton Rose Fulbright Teaching Award


Summer students Arren Simpson (University of Detroit Mercy) and Vanessa Liu (Texas A& M) gave beautiful presentations on their summer projects to the BCM SMART Program. Congratulations! 



Student Larry Scott Jr. won the best abstract award at the 6th CVRI symposium. Congratulations!


Our work on "cardiac inflammasome and atrial fibrillation" was highlighted in Circulation.



Student Larry Scott Jr. gave an oral presentation at the BCVS Scientific Sessions in San Antonio, TX.



Dr. Li was interviewed for the publication of our first study that demonstrated the involvement of cardiac inflammasome in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation.



Our work on "cardiac inflammasome and atrial fibrillation" was highlighted in Nature Reviews Cardiology.



Student Larry Scott Jr. received a predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association (2017 - 2019).



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